Monday 7 April 2014

Jim Huneke: Exercise Makes You a Better Athlete

Playing a sport as physically-challenging as tennis requires a commitment to good health. A healthy diet and strong and regular exercise routine, says Jim Huneke, are essential to any athlete’s success. An aspiring athlete, says Jim Huneke, won’t be able to be competitive and won’t be able to fully enjoy sporting activities if their health is in bad condition.

Jim Huneke is a club tennis pro who sets aside time every day to fine tune his body and his health. Though Jim has a busy and demanding schedule, he always manages to find the time to maintain his health. With regular stretching, running and cardio-vascular activity, Jim Huneke keeps his body in shape. He does this not only so he can remain a competitive tennis player, but also so he can continue to keep up with his students. Jim Huneke understands that without a foundation of good health, a career in tennis would have been impossible.

Jim maintains a healthy diet that provides him the energy and support he needs to maintain a high level of physical activity. He focuses on fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods that support an active lifestyle and strong cardio-vascular health. Jim Huneke truly believes that a person’s body is his temple, and that it every effort should be made to properly maintain its health.  

Jim Huneke encourages every aspiring athlete, regardless of the sport they want to play or pursue, to adopt a regular exercise routine. Making exercise a habit, rather than a necessary evil, allows the athlete to get enjoyment from the activity. Jim Huneke has come to love his regular workout sessions.

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